SystemX intends to increase the transfer of AI innovations developed within the institute to industrial players, with a focus on 4 priority application sectors: Mobility and autonomous transport; Industry of the future; Defence and Security; and Environment and Sustainable Development.

As such, SystemX plans in its roadmap for 2019-2025 to provide answers to 3 key scientific challenges of AI:

  • the implementation of the protocols of Machine Learning for the efficiency of the discriminative, generative and reinforcement approaches on big data,
  • the management of heterogeneous data and the semantic web to simultaneously take into account the qualitative and the quantitative,
  • and the explainability and robustness of automated decisions to make progress on the evaluation of AI-based decisions.

The results of this work will complement and enrich those already obtained by the IRT in terms of machine learning, textual data processing, vision and image processing, human-machine interactions, multi-agent systems, etc. They are also part of the continuity of several initiatives to which SystemX has already contributed, such as the participation in the development of the FranceIA file in 2017, the coordination of the 8 IRT’s response to the FranceIA mission and the launch of the inter-IRT EngageAI initiative.

An iconic research project on the theme of AI and Augmented Engineering

As part of its activities to strengthen the collaborative R & D capabilities of companies, SystemX will launch in the course of 2019 a major collaborative research project entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Engineering” (IA2). Its goal is to develop hybrid approaches that combine scientific computing, knowledge representation and machine learning to take into account the richness and specificities of human knowledge.

A globally recognized voice

IRT’s high-level IR knowledge and skills in AI have earned two of its representatives the opportunity to be invited as experts to participate in the working group AIGO put together by OECD, whose last meeting has just ended and whose report is expected for spring 2019. Michel Morvan, President of SystemX, and Nozha Boujemaa, President of the Scientific and Technological Council of the IRT until the end of 2018, took part in this group whose objective was to give keys to governments, companies and citizens in their use of AI.

11 SystemX Technology Demonstrators on DigiHall Day 2019

This year, CEA, Inria, IRT SystemX, Systematic and Telecom ParisTech are dedicating the DigiHall Day event to the theme of “AI, technological and societal (r)evolution”. On 28 March, roundtables, keynotes and technological demonstrators reported on the innovation dynamics of DigiHall’s players in Artificial Intelligence. On this occasion, SystemX presented 11 technological demonstrators on the themes of Mobility and Autonomous Transport, Future Industry and Defence and Security.

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