Find the testimonies of our collaborators:
Mohamed Tlig
Head of Systems Engineering and Dependability Team
“I love innovation! It is for this reason that I specialized in the field of autonomous vehicles. I joined SystemX because I am rather pragmatic by nature and the IRT model, which combines academic and applied research, offers us the possibility of producing tangible prototypes”.
Raphaël Braud
Research engineer,
Data Science, AI and Interactions team
“As an expert in artificial intelligence, I occupy a transverse role within several projects. I deal with many issues related to Machine Learning, from understanding specific customer problems to data processing and the implementation of algorithms. I am fortunate to work in very diverse sectors such as the autonomous train or the safety and well-being of car drivers.”
Selma Khebbache
Project Manager, Predictive Maintenance and Optimisation (MPO)
“Through rich and promising collaborative research activities in SystemX, I am honoured to be totally and actively involved in MPO (for Predictive Maintenance and Optimization) project. My research activities in MPO is addressing timely and interesting topics such as artificial intelligence, risk analysis and optimization.”
Maroua Meddeb
Research Engineer, blockchain team
“On a daily basis, I participate in the drafting of the functional and architectural specifications of the Lyon Carpooling Experimentation (LCE) project and I am in charge of several development activities (blockchain, web services). Before arriving at the IRT, I had solid theoretical foundations in blockchain technology that I was able to put into practice and perfect by working with SystemX experts.”
Tom Mansion
Apprentice Engineer, Software & DevOps team
“I am a member of the Software & DevOps team. I collaborate with different research projects of the institute for the creation of data visualization tools on the web. Concretely, if an engineer-researcher has developed an algorithm and wishes to carry out a demonstration for the general public or for his colleagues, I will take care of the interface design with him. Being an apprentice at IRT SystemX has allowed me to meet many people, with very varied academic and industrial backgrounds, who teach me a lot by introducing me to the technologies they work on.”
– À voir aussi

Nicolas Sabouret ran a Seminar@systemX
Nicolas Sabouret (Université Paris-Sud - LIMSI-CNRS) ran a seminar at IRT SystemX on September 17th on the following topic « Simuler ... En savoir plus