A facility in Lyon at the Doua campus

Comprising the University of Claude Bernard Lyon 1, three graduate engineering schools (INSA Lyon, Polytech Lyon and CPE Lyon) several University Institutes of Technology, the Lyon Campus is one of the main sites of research of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region with nearly 2,000 researchers.
At the heart of this land of innovation, IRT SystemX aims to expand its R&D activities in the areas of new mobility, energy and digital security, in collaboration with the Lyon Metropole, renowned scientific centres, industrial players in the region and competitiveness clusters of the region involved in digital technologies in ine with the activities of SystemX, such as the CARA and ECC4IU clusters.

The IRT association brings together all 8 IRTs

The IRTs form an association called the French Institutes of Technology (FIT) to achieve four objectives:

  • Strengthen the attractiveness and promote the model of IRTs, in their structural and organizational diversity, both nationally and internationally.
  • Be the European Commission’s interlocutor so that IRTs can find their place within the various research and innovative programs, and in particular the H2020 programs.
  • Promote exchanges between its members and the coordination of their actions to optimize their operating efficiency, development and sustainability.
  • Develop coherence between the various objectives of the Future Investment Program (PIA), in particular by strengthening links between the academic and industrial worlds. This coherence could also be illustrated by the identification of common thematic areas of scientific cooperation.

All eight IRTs receive State funding under the Investment for the Future program.

A prestigious local ecosystem

Thanks to its location in the heart of the Paris-Saclay Campus, a world-renowned scientific centre, IRT SystemX is supported by a rich ecosystem and leading academic and industrial partners.

Université Paris-Saclay: a unique model of a university

Université Paris-Saclay is a unique model of a university, comprising 18 autonomous institutes of higher education and research. They coordinate their actions and pool certain resources in the framework of a shared project jointly planned and implemented, while at the same time keeping their own identities and resources.With 65,000 students, 360 laboratories, 11,000 researchers and teachers, 5,500 PhD students and 6,000 publications a year, Université Paris-Saclay already had considerable assets right from its inception.
Université Paris-Saclay has now developed an ecosystem fostering production of innovations and industrial development. Closely connected to the first industrial R&D cluster in Europe (Élancourt, Vélizy, Courtabœuf, Massy, Palaiseau, etc.), providing a remarkable employment pool, Université Paris-Saclay is also located alongside the greatest national grouping of research organizations.

Université Paris-Saclay

Pour répondre au défi de la compétition internationale pour l’enseignement, la recherche et l’innovation, dix-huit établissements parmi les plus réputés en France constituent l’Université Paris-Saclay et mutualisent des formations et une recherche au meilleur niveau mondial.

L’Université Paris-Saclay propose ainsi une large gamme de parcours, de la licence au doctorat au sein de schools et d’écoles doctorales, dans la plupart des domaines mobilisant les sciences de la nature ainsi que les sciences humaines et sociales. Aujourd’hui, 9 000 étudiants en masters, 5 500 doctorants, autant d’élèves ingénieurs et un large cycle en licence rassemblent quelques 65 000 étudiants au sein des établissements fondateurs et associés.

The Systematic Paris-Region cluster

Part of an open innovation initiative, Systematic Paris-Region, is a world-class technology cluster which brings together an ecosystem of more than 800 members.
Systematic connects stakeholders involved in software, digital technology and industry, as well as boosting digital projects through collaborative innovation, the development of SMEs, networking and business sourcing in all sectors relevant to the future: energy, telecoms, health, transport, information systems, the factory of the future, digital cities and security. The cluster also has a remit to promote its stakeholders, the region and its innovation projects, to boost its reputation and attract investment to the region.
The work of Systematic Paris-Region is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDERE), Directe and Paris Region among others.

Systematic Paris-Region

S’inscrivant dans une démarche d’Open Innovation, Systematic Paris-Region, pôle de compétitivité mondial, rassemble et anime un écosystème d’excellence de plus de 800 membres.
Systematic connecte les acteurs du logiciel, du numérique et de l’industrie, accélère les projets numériques par l’innovation collaborative, le développement des PME, la mise en relation et le sourcing business et ce, sur les secteurs d’avenir : énergie, télécoms, santé, transports, systèmes d’information, usine du futur, ville numérique, sécurité. Le Pôle a également pour mission, de promouvoir ses acteurs, son territoire, ses projets d’innovation et ceci dans le but d’accroitre sa notoriété et développer l’attractivité du territoire. L’action de Systematic Paris-Region est soutenue par le Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER), la Direccte et la Région Île-de-France notamment.


Seminar@SystemX with Frédéric Rosin

Seminar@SystemX with Frédéric Rosin

Résume Biographie Inscription Frédric Rosin (ENSAM, Aix-en-Provence) will run a Seminar@SystemX on the topic "Lean 5.0 : l'IA et le ... Read more

Seminar@SystemX with Jean-Michel Loubes

Seminar@SystemX with Jean-Michel Loubes

Resume Biography Registration Jean-Michel Loubes (Inria) will run a  Seminar@SystemX on the topic: "Les biais en IA : détecter la ... Read more


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