Emna Moones joined SystemX in October 2013 to work on her thesis on multilevel interoperability in a collaborative product lifecycle management (PLM) environment. She looks back on her PhD carried out within the PLM Interoperability & Standards (SIP) project and supervised by Paris 8 University.

What was the subject of your thesis?

Interoperability is the ability of two or more systems to exchange and use information. My PhD thesis focused on communication between several systems belonging to different companies collaborating in a dynamic environment. The systems involved could be either Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems for in-company planning and administration or Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for controlling and overseeing production in a manufacturing company.
In my thesis, I offered companies an approach enabling them to collaborate with full interoperability at the organisational level (knowing how to communicate), bringing together all stakeholders and all the functions needed to obtain the right information at the right time (being able to understand each other). I also provided the tools and technologies needed to circulate information (being able to communicate) and adopt a common technical vocabulary.
It is a generic approach that can be applied throughout the product lifecycle from design and manufacture right through to end-of-life.

What do you particularly remember about your PhD?

I particularly remember the times when I had to show perseverance, courage and patience, which enabled me to see the project through to the end. I also remember working with various people involved in the IRT SystemX, from both academic and industrial circles. And lastly, I really appreciated having the opportunity to exchange ideas with other doctoral students at the Institute.

What is your fondest memory of your time at SystemX?

I have so many great memories of my time within the IRT SystemX that it’s difficult to name just one. I met people from vastly different backgrounds with whom I shared some unforgettable moments. The SystemX environment brought me into contact with academics and manufacturers in various fields. To be honest, the whole environment will stay in my memory.

What do you plan to do next?

At the moment I’m working as a Manufacturing Execution System engineer with Schneider Electric. I was lucky to land this job which follows on perfectly from my PhD thesis. This position will enable me to put my research to the test in an industrial company with a worldwide reputation.


Find out more about Emna Moones
PhD subject: A proposed multilevel interoperability methodology in a collaborative PLM environment
Degrees: Engineering degree and Masters from Arts et Métiers ParisTech
R&D project: SIP (PLM Interoperability & Standards)


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