Vincent Leclère, researcher at Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, ran a Seminar@SystemX on March 23 in SystemX’s premises, on the following topic:  « Decomposition methods for stochastic optimization problems ».



A lot of industrial problems consists in managing a dynamic system over time by minimizing costs while satisfying all constraints. Most of the times some parameters are unknown or random and can be represented as stochastic process. Multistage stochastic optimization is the field of mathematics that deals with such problems. Even medium sized multistage stochastic program are numerically challenging. One way of dealing with these problems consists in decomposing them in smaller subproblems that are easier to solve. The subproblem will then send information over the solution to a master program that will adapt them. Iteratively the solution of the subproblem should leads to a solution to the global problem. Decomposition approach for deterministic problems are well-known, but extending them to a stochastic setting can be quite tricky.
In this talk we will present the framework of multistage stochastic program and show different decomposition methods highlighting
the use case conditions of these methods.


eric-ballo Après des études à l’école Polytechnique, Vincent Leclère a suivi le Master d’Optimisation, Jeux et Modélisation Economique de l’université Paris VI. Il a ensuite effectué une thèse sur les méthodes de décomposition en optimisation stochastique, avant d’effectuer un post doctorat à l’université de Berkeley, en Californie. En 2014 il rejoint le CERMICS, laboratoire de mathématiques appliquée de l’école des ponts sur les sujets à la frontière entre l’optimisation stochastique, la recherche opérationelle et le machine learning.



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