The IRT SystemX (Institut de Recherche Technologique) and the ITE VEDECOM (Institut pour la Transition Energétique) signed a collaboration convention that aims to help the exchange of their scientifical and technological expertise on the research project on the topic of autonomous vehicles and mobility of the future, but also to mutualize their promotion of finance research and communicating to their partners.

SystemX, the unique IRT in the Paris region to dedicate itself to digital engineering in the systems of our future, and VEDECOM, ITE dedicated to decarbonated and communicative vehicles and their mobility, accelerate their collaboration by the signature of a collaboration convention for a period of 5 years. Born from the Future Investment Program (Programme Investissements d’Avenir) initated by the General Investments Commissioner, these two motors of innovation pool their expertise in R&D in the domain of embedded systems and technologies dedicated to mobility to collaborate on projects of scientifical and technological research that serve he issues of autonomous vehicles and mobility of the future. Moreover, the two partners pledge to coordinate their response to the Call for Collaborative Projects (FUI, H2020 etc…) and their actions in the context of the NFI (Nouvelle France Industrielle) plan. They also organize together demonstrations and actions of communications on their activities of research and the training of their members.



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