Six months after its launch, the SAAS Academy has already sensibilized 70 program editors in France, an initiative held with important and innovative territorials companies.

Launched in December of 2014 by the initiative of private companies (OVH, Intel, IBM, HP, Microsoft, VMware and Crayon), and operated by the IRT SystemX in the context of the Training Program, the SAAS Academy makes its first mid-point review. Unique in Europe, this initiative piloted by the biggest Cloud companies in France, is one of the methods deployed in the context of a solution for “Economie de Donnés” of the Industry of the Futur, second phase of the Nouvelle France Industrielle (NFI).
Its mission is to inform over 600 program editors on the SaaS (software as a service) by the end of 2017 and enable the transformation of 20% of them.




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