Project description

Designing connected and automated mobility solutions centred on the needs of users and territories.


Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM) solutions offer the potential to answer the specific challenges that territories are faced with: steering towards multimodal transport hubs, service on-demand, and operational availability. 
SINFONICA will contribute to identify and map the needs of potential users, in different contexts, all the while considering the constraints of these innovative offers in terms of social integration and inclusivity. 

SystemX is in charge of developing a modelling platform which will simplify the design and configuration of the service offers in order to evaluate their contribution, operational and economic performance in the environment under study. The solution will be tested and validated with partner territories. 

SINFONICA Project is funded by the European Union under the Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Program  (Grant Agreement n° 101064988).

Learn more about SINFONICA project

Expected results

  • Knowledges mapping tool
  • CCAM service modelling and evaluation platform
  • Local use cases : Hamburg (DE), West Midlands (GB), Trikala (GR), Noord Brabant (HOL)
  • Recommendations for the implementation of CCAM services

Implemented skills

Human-machine interaction
Scientific computing

Targeted markets

  • Mobility service operators
  • Autorities in charge of mobility
  • Consultancy firms
Badge European projectBadge Mobility and autonomous transport
European project
Mobility and autonomous transport
Project Status:État du projet : Launched
Industrial partner(s):Partenaire(s) industriel(s) :
Arriva ; RE:LAB
Academic Partner(s)Partenaire(s) académique(s)
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia; ICOOR - Interuniversity Consortium for Optmization and Operation Research; ICCS- Institute of Communications and Computer Systems; IRT SystemX; TUD; Politecnico di Torino
Institutional Partner(s)Partenaire(s) institutionnel(s)
City of Hamburg; North Branbant Province; Transport for West Midlands; City of Trikala; ERTICO
Project Manager(s)Chef(s) de projet
Yann Briand


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