On September 19, SystemX is to receive the visit of Innovation Makers Alliance (IMA), whose objective is to federate initiatives in Technological innovation between large groups.

Artificial intelligence, cyber security, digital simulation, and the Blockchain are all technologies that are the object of IRT SystemX R&D projects. .The  Deep Dive @SystemX event will give you the opportunity to explore their latest advances and dive deep into these scientific and technological challenges that are being addressed by SystemX and its partners.


Morning agenda :

9-930 am: Welcome coffee

9.30-10.00: Plenary session

10.00-12.00: Demo Tour

  • Agile Industry: observe digital transformation of engineering tasks.
  • Autonomous Transport: design intelligent, safe and secure systems.
  • Smart Territories: build tomorrow’s intelligent territories.
  • Internet of Trust: develop digital confidence in the Interrnet of Everything.
  • Tech time: integration strategy and service hub dedicated to innovation transfers.

Alterations may be made to this program


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