About IRT SystemX

Founded in 2012 under the “Investing for the Future” (PIA) program, the Institute for Technological Research (IRT) SystemX positions itself as an accelerator for the digital transformation of industry, services and territories. As part of its 2019-2025 roadmap, the institute has set for itself three main objectives: to accelerate the use of technologies for value creation, to strengthen the collaborative R&D capabilities of companies, as well as to stimulate the production of knowledge of the academic ecosystem surrounding major scientific challenges.

Its research works cover the issues of four priority application sectors: Mobility and Autonomous Transport, Industry of the Future, Defense and Security, Environment and Sustainable Development. It spans height different scientific and technical fields: Data Science and AI; Human-machine interaction; Scientific calculation; Optimization; System Engineering and Safety; Dependability of critical systems; Digital security and blockchain; IoT and future networks. The use cases and projects carried out by SystemX are at the crossroads of these application sectors and scientific and technical domains, while relying on one or more technological platforms developed within the institute. Based on the Paris-Saclay area, Lyon and Singapore, SystemX has since its creation in 2012 launched 36 research projects (including 24 ongoing ones), involving one hundred economic partners and 32 academic laboratories, and has now as many as 350 employees including 140 own resources.


Press contact
Marion Molina / Claire Flin
Tél. : 06 29 11 52 08 / 06 95 41 95 90
marionmolinapro[at]gmail.com / clairefline[at]gmail.com

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General overview

SystemX Brochure

Activity report



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