Feedback on the 4th National IRT Forum

Feedback on the 4th National IRT Forum

IRT SystemX held the fourth edition of the IRT Forum at the heart of the Plateau de Saclay , in the new premises of EDF Lab Paris-Saclay. Many academic and industrial partners of the IRTs joined major stakeholders in French innovation in discovering the main results...
Stephan Haar ran a Seminar@SystemX on September, 9th !

Stephan Haar ran a Seminar@SystemX on September, 9th !

Stephan Haar (Inria) ran a seminar from about « Causal description and explanation in concurrent discrete event systems/ Post Hoc sed non propter hoc (after this, but not because of this) ». Stephan Haar (Inria) ran a Seminar@SystemX on September, 9th about: « Causal...
Frédéric Magoules ran a Seminar@SystemX on June 10

Frédéric Magoules ran a Seminar@SystemX on June 10

Frédéric Magoules, Professor at CentraleSupélec, ran a Seminar@SystemX on June 10 on “Domain decomposition methods with asynchronous iterations”. Abstract Les  méthodes de décomposition de domaines sont bien adaptées au calcul parallèle. En effet, la...