Ludovic Leclercq (Université Gustave Eiffel) ran a Seminar@SystemX on the following topic “Trip-based MFD models: applications to urban traffic and mobility services management”, on January 27, 2023 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm .
Resume :
This presentation focuses on modelling urban traffic dynamics with Network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagrams (MFD). Recent developments in MFD simulation propose two general formulations that can both be applied to multi-reservoir systems. The first is the classical accumulation-based formulation when traffic dynamics in each reservoir is governed by a conservation equation. The second is the more recently developed trip-based formulation when vehicle trips have individual lengths but share a single time-dependent mean speed in each region. The integration of multiclass extensions (mainly to represent public transport) is also presented with a particular focus on the resulting traffic dynamics at the reservoir boundaries. The question of MFD model calibration is then addressed considering two central questions: (i) the regional trip-length estimation and (ii) the scaling of observations to determine the vehicle accumulations and travel productions. Several applications are discussed in the end: validation of the multi-reservoir setting for the city of Lyon, optimization of ride-sharing services, demand-management through tradable credit schemes, optimal routing at the city scale…
Biography :
Ludovic Leclercq is a Research Director (eq. Full Professor) at Université Gustave Eiffel (France). He is also a Full Professor (15% part-time) at TU Delft (Netherlands), holding a chair in Transportation Systems Modelling in the Era of New Mobility. He has received his engineering and master’s degrees in Civil Engineering in 1998, his PhD in 2002 and his habilitation thesis (HDR) in 2009. He is currently head of the LICIT-ECO7 laboratory, a joint research unit from Univ Eiffel and ENTPE (about 50 people). He has been a scientific councillor for IFSTTAR in the field of “quality, security and optimisation of transportation systems” from 2009 to 2015. His research fields are related to dynamic traffic modelling and assessing the related environmental externalities. He is the current chair (2021-2024) of the committee “Traffic Flow Theory and Characteristics” ACP50 of the TRB. He is also a member of the international advisory committee of ISTTT. He is an associate editor for Transportation Research part C, Transportation Science and the journal Transportmetrica B. He is also a member of many editorial boards including Transportation Research part B. He has co-authored 110 publications in top peer-reviewed journals, has supervised 15 PhD and is currently supervising 5 PhD students. In 2015, he was awarded for 5 years an ERC consolidator grant in Social Science and Humanities. In 2020, I was awarded the ‘Grand Prix de l’Université de Lyon’, a career award for my achievement in the Transportation field.