Seminar@SystemX – Albert BI

Seminar@SystemX – Albert BI

Albert Bifet,  Associate Professor at Télécom ParisTech, will run a Seminar@SystemX on September 14 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm in SystemX’s premises (Building 862, Amphitheater 34) on the following topic:  “Massive Online Analytics for the Internet of Things...
Seminar@SystemX – Nicolas Vaya

Seminar@SystemX – Nicolas Vaya

Nicolas Vayatis (École Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay) ran a Seminar@SystemX on June 28 from 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm in SystemX’s premises (Building 862, Amphitheater 34) on the following topic: “Nouvelles perspectives sur l’optimisation séquentielle et...