Stefano Paris

Stefano Paris is Senior Researcher at the Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Lab of the Paris Research Center of Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.  Before joining Huawei, he has been Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of Paris Descartes University. He received his M.S. degree in Computer Engineering from University of Bergamo in 2007, and the Ph.D. in Information Engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2010. His main research interests include topics related to optimization and game theory for the evaluation of wireless and wired networks. He currently serves as editor of Computer Communications (Elsevier). He is a member of the IEEE.

Fabrice Guillemin

Fabrice Guillemin graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1984 and from Telecom Paris in 1989. He received the PhD degree from the University of Rennes in 1992 and  defended his  « habilitation » thesis in 1999 at the University Pierre et Marie Curie (LIP6), Paris. Since 1989, he has been with Orange Labs in Lannion. He has been involved in the standardization of ATM and in several projects dealing with IP traffic metrology. He is currently leading a project on the evolution of control plane of networks (fixed and cellular). He is  a member of the Orange Expert community « Network of the Future » (NoF).

Richard Combes

Richard Combes is currently an assistant professor in CentraleSupélec in the Telecommunication departement. He received the Engineering Degree from Telecom Paristech (2008), the Master’s Degree in Mathematics from university of Paris VII (2009) and the Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from university of Paris VI (2013). He was a visiting scientist at INRIA (2012) and a post-doc in KTH (2013). He received the best paper award at CNSM 2011. His current research interests are machine learning, networks and probability.

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