The 2016-2020s will see the gradual commercialization of new transport solutions, which increasingly rely on automatic driving and operations. This will constitute a major disruption for these systems. It is necessary to provide the transport industry with an improved security, a better quality of service and energy performance, a new user experience, more comfort, more time for drivers and operators, a capacity increase, facilities for disabled persons, and more generally a new planning for the city and the urban life.

In this domain, SystemX proposes developing new secured and safe architectures for autonomous vehicles and transport systems, integrating new uses, critical onboard systems, infrastructure evolution and their interactions.

All the demonstrations of the Autonomous Transport Village are listed below:

ADAS and Intensive Computer VisionPut the Pedal in the Metal!
Attack of an autonomous vehicleCan you hack my autonomous vehicle?
Cooperate with your autonomous vehicleTest on our simulator the interest of Human-machine Cooperation and Augmented Reality in Autonomous Driving during highway merging scenarios!
Safe calculations, available in real timeFrom the prototype to the industrial solution.
Detection of railway signalsDetect railway signals in real time by automatic learning methods!
Innovative navigation of trainsOptimize localization of your trains thanks to new generation sensors!
A virtual world to prove the safety of autonomous vehiclesUsing a virtual environment to test an autonomous vehicle and help the manufacturers and suppliers to make it safer.
Veni, Vidi, AuxiLive the augmented reality glasses driving experience!

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